Sunday, July 1, 2012

7. Wandmakers

In the HP story there is a Slavic wandmaker by the name of Gregorovitch.  In our world we had Nikola Tesla, Serbian immigrant and inventor-extraordinaire.  Most of you are probably wondering how Tesla could be a wandmaker and yet, this was one of his final-yet-secretive achievements.  In his later years, Tesla created something he called a "death-ray" device.

Also in the story we see a wandmaker by the name of Garrick Ollivander.  In our world we have John Hutchison.  He attached a crystal wand to a Telsa coil and... well... perhaps a video would show what he accomplished:

Here we have what appears to be a video of a wand which levitates objects, vibrates them, even destroys them at times.

I would suggest that this is a squib's version of a wand, something that would allow a non-magical person, if you will, to use it.  So then, what does it take to power a wand without carrying a tesla coil in your back pocket?  I would love to simply tell you this but if you read the last post then it stands to reason that I can't necessarily empower the "bad guys", giving them this knowledge, too.  My dilemma then is trying to teach the good guys and yet to keep this information from those who would do us harm.  Needless to say, it is possible to power a wand otherwise.

6. Hogwarts and the Final Battle Scene

The Hopi indians have a variety of prophesies and a rich history of stories.  One of them is called the medicine wheel prophesy and in art forms, it's a circle with four quadrants each representing the four races on the planet.  According to their history, "spirit guides" put man here on the planet in four spiritually-significant areas in four different races.  Each of those groups then received four different styles of mentoring and guidance.  The Native American stories are colorful and yet may in fact be quite accurate if you add the alien thesis from earlier.

Imagine if our species was designed from existing DNA material and then four races were placed on the planet in the areas of New Mexico, Kenya, Switzerland and Tibet.  Brown, black, white and yellow skin are indicated in the Hopi legends and also in those of other Native American histories.  Similar art shows up in Africa and in Canada as well.

The stories continue as prophesies in both Hopi and Cherokee versions, for example, and indicate that a gathering of the four groups will be necessary right before [what is indicated as a third world war].  Another description of this event is a "purging" of the wicked, etc.

The Hopi legend indicates that each of the groups would be given power over an area: fire, water, air and earth.  From what I understand, the white-skinned people had power over fire (meaning technology and the types of weaponry we see).  The natives would receive power over earth (farming practices, living in harmony with the earth, etc).  When the groups came back together, they were to share their knowledge about their specialty with the others.

So now, doesn't this sound a bit like the four houses (and founders) of Hogwarts?  Four houses, founded by four founding members each with very different ideas about how to teach.  Don't the Native Americans sound a lot like the students of Hufflepuff?  Ravenclaw is likely associated with Tibet and those of "yellow skin", per the Hopi distinction.

Actually, I see from a site called they're suggesting that "Each House represents one of the four classical elements: Fire (Gryffindor), Earth (Hugglepuff), Air (Ravenclaw) and Water (Slytherin)."  The plot thickens.

Also, in the ending battle at Hogwarts in the Harry Potter series, we see that the houses all join forces to fight off Voldemort and the Death Eaters.

Back to the Hopi prophesy, the third "shaking of the world" (WWIII) will happen "after the 'house in the sky' is completed".  Hmm.  The International Space Station is planned to be completed during the summer of 2012.  So... the third world war, in theory anyway, could happen any time now.

Unfortunately, there's a planning document called "Strategic Plan, 2003-2012 Detention and Removal Strategy for a Secure Homeland".  It seems to suggest that a lot of planning has been taking place for a decade to detain and remove... some people.  If you google phrases like "train cars with shackles", "FEMA death camps", "guillotines in America" or "FEMA plastic coffins" you'll begin to see that this is no small project that they have in store for us.  Crunching the numbers for a bit:

111,000 train cars * 435 shackles each * 10 scheduled runs = 483 million people

U.S. population as of now:  313,857,383

So... our government isn't planning on rounding up "illegal aliens" or "terrorists".  They're planning on rounding up everyone.  Nobody makes a train car for one-time use.  We're being set up for... a purge of some kind.

Using Mr. Peabody's Way-back Machine and setting the dial to 1980, we see that "The Global 2000 Report to the President" (Jimmy Carter) suggested that global hunger will be catastrophic unless something drastic is done to curb population growth.

Ah, so now we know what the cause of the purge will be:  someone in power thinks there are too many of us.

In the Harry Potter series we see that the Death Eaters have infiltrated the wizarding government and appear to be calling the shots.  Check.  It would appear then in our world that the "bad guy" aliens, the Draconians, would be behind this purging event.  In HP, muggles would be primary targets; in our world, most of us.

If we are to believe that Hogwarts represents Earth, then the Death Eaters came to Hogwarts to do battle.  We might see this as aliens arriving (from somewhere else) to kill us.  Or we might see this as them coming from underground hiding places for the same purpose.

And yet, the "good guys" win.  I take some comfort in that ending.  I'm still scratching my head a bit as to how exactly we're expected to do so but I'm optimistic.  Perhaps we need a plan...

Oh, and an army of trained witches and wizards.