Sunday, July 1, 2012

7. Wandmakers

In the HP story there is a Slavic wandmaker by the name of Gregorovitch.  In our world we had Nikola Tesla, Serbian immigrant and inventor-extraordinaire.  Most of you are probably wondering how Tesla could be a wandmaker and yet, this was one of his final-yet-secretive achievements.  In his later years, Tesla created something he called a "death-ray" device.

Also in the story we see a wandmaker by the name of Garrick Ollivander.  In our world we have John Hutchison.  He attached a crystal wand to a Telsa coil and... well... perhaps a video would show what he accomplished:

Here we have what appears to be a video of a wand which levitates objects, vibrates them, even destroys them at times.

I would suggest that this is a squib's version of a wand, something that would allow a non-magical person, if you will, to use it.  So then, what does it take to power a wand without carrying a tesla coil in your back pocket?  I would love to simply tell you this but if you read the last post then it stands to reason that I can't necessarily empower the "bad guys", giving them this knowledge, too.  My dilemma then is trying to teach the good guys and yet to keep this information from those who would do us harm.  Needless to say, it is possible to power a wand otherwise.

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